Thursday 23 June 2022

You can see all issues of Future Fantasteek! in the Tate Collection

For more about the Tate's collection of Artist Books and Zines


Monday 4 April 2022

I've been drawing a lot on the train recently, so I thought I'd put all my train drawings together
on a separate blog called > PLATFORM 2  >

Friday 11 March 2022

Future Fantasteek! No.21 - 'Future Fantasteek! in Motion' at Arts Council England

Future Fantasteek! No.21 is FINISHED yay!
This was part of an Arts Council England Funded project called Future Fantasteek! in Motion.

Through this project, I was able to spend dedicated time to develop new skills in animation/moving illustration. The new zine includes AR elements that can be seen via a smartphone and the project website.

To see Future Fantasteek! No.21 click here ➡️

Friday 11 February 2022

Future Fantasteek! in Motion

Future Fantasteek! in Motion funded by Arts Council England is progressing rapidly.

You can preview elements here:
Future Fantasteek! in Motion Website

Future Fanasteek! No.22 'Doom Scroll' is nearly completed. It'll be ready to send out in March 2022 NOW with added AR. This has been the most amazing project that's given me time to learn so many new skills, I can't wait to share it with everyone.